Wednesday 12 January 2011


This is totally a non-rehearsal related post, BUT hey I need to have a good rant and this is MY blog so I can post what I like!

At approximately 11am today, the power went out in my Gran's house. I think it was a result of the silly builders digging up the ground at the end of the road!

At around 6pm I returned to my Gran's house from Uni to find that the power was STILL out and that the whole road had been affected, HOWEVER, it seemed that we were only house who still had NO power because the houses on either side and the the rest of the road all had lights on.

We called the power company and they told us that they were aware of the fault in the area, an engineer had been dispatched to deal with the problem and that the power should return by 9pm!!!!  Now my Gran is elderly and she's getting VERY forgetful so she was constantly worrying about the fridge not being on and all the food going to waste. I'm pretty sure there are other elderly and vulnerable people living on this street.
How can the energy company worry these people like this!!!

At around 8pm I was then told that the engineer on site has called for back up because it's a bigger job then they thought (LOOOL) and the power might not return until midnight LOOOOOL. Are they taking the PISS!!!!

It is now about 9pm and the power has only just come back on! I would hate think what my Gran would have done if I hadn't been there to call the power company and get information. My Gran doesn't have a mobile and the house phone was off due to the lack of electricity. Luckily my Gran has very nice neighbours who were also lucky enough to have power. But think about those that live on their own!

Bloody Builders..........What were they THINKING?!

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